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Outwrite for Word.

Become a powerful writer with our Microsoft Word add-in

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An Outwrite grammar pop up suggests three corrections for the phrase "in regards to"

Fix grammar mistakes

Check your work for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors

An Outwrite thesaurus pop up suggests a list of synonyms for the word "important"

Enhance your vocabulary

Select a word to generate a list of synonyms based on the context of your sentence

An Outwrite rewrite pop up suggests ways to simplify "want to make your writing easier to understand?"

Rewrite entire sentences

Select a sentence to rephrase or restructure it with our AI paraphrasing tool

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Also available on

Google Docs

Frequently asked questions

How do I add Outwrite to Word?

Go to the "Insert" tab and click "Add-ins" (located on the far right). Look up "Outwrite" in the search tab and click "Add". For more instructions, head here.

Is Outwrite free on Word?

Our Word add-in is free to install. It'll give you access to all of our essential features, including advanced grammar corrections, thesaurus and writing statistics. You will need to upgrade to Outwrite Pro to access our advanced features.

How does the Outwrite add-in work?

You'll find spelling, grammar, and style suggestions under the "Corrections" tab. Click on a suggestion to expand it, then click on an option to apply it to your document. There are also tabs for accessing the Thesaurus and writing statistics.

How can I rewrite a sentence?

Open the "Rewrite" tab. Select the sentence you'd like to paraphrase, choose a goal, then view the list of options. Note: this feature is only available to Pro users.

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Outwrite is empowering people to become better writers, all over the world
Read their full reviews

Outwrite is incredibly intuitive and keeps my writing consistent and effective.

Andy Twomey

Director, Y&C Agency

To be honest, I don't know how I managed before I used Outwrite

Deb Carr

Publisher, Sydney Chic

Our head office's marketing and social media content has benefited greatly from the Outwrite AI's ability to check our writing.

Shantelle Isaaks

Marketing, Laing + Simmons

Really helped with creating engaging language whether it be for professional use or just simple daily writing tasks!

Nathan Tang

Chrome Web Store review

I use [Outwrite] on a daily basis to make sure my English is spotless and my emails are very clear.

Charline J

Capterra review

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